The Smile Project
I love to smile! I learned about laughter and smiling from a high school friend Carolynn Kelly. There was never a time when she wasn’t laughing and joking.
We never talked about it, but I just started to embrace it.
Moving along to 2020, we never saw this coming. Our smiles are now hidden. What we see is fear and complacency in people’s eyes as we pass them on the street or in the store. We have been forced to stay six feet away from people. This has been extra hard as I am a hugger. I’m known for my warm hugs.
A few weeks ago, I was walking past the counter of a drug store and an employee was stocking shelves. We made eye contact, at which point I chuckled and said, “I’m smiling at you and you can’t see it.” She replied, “I’m smiling as well.” We chatted for a minute about how difficult it is to be wearing the masks and not being able to see people’s beautiful smiles.
I know in the past I have commented on people’s pretty masks, then said I know your smile is much more beautiful.
When we smile this is what happens first and foremost – you look younger and you present yourself as successful. Studies show that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together neurotransmitters make us feel good from head to toe. That’s not all. These natural chemicals elevate your mood, relax your body and reduce physical pain. There is so much more that smiling does for you.
The past year has taken it’s toll on all of us. The smile sticker/button may seem like a very juvenile thing, but sharing a smile with a friend or neighbour or a stranger may change the course of their day. It will also make you feel better.
A wise man once said, “When you smile the whole world smiles with you”.
Stanley Gordon West
Take the smile challenge!!
Share Your Smile
Joyce Walker
Go to our Facebook page, connection of love smile project and share your smile!


Would you like to contribute to the making of more smiles?
Purchase our smile stickers or buttons and help spread the smile!
$5 for 6 stickers OR $10 for 3 buttons
Will also do custom bulk orders.